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SVG Collaboration

We welcome you to join us to work together if you are a professional photographer keen to expanding with below capability and open for collaboration.


Able to operate variety of photographic equipment to capture moments of events and objects for commercial use.


Passionate with new ideas and innovative shooting methods.



Attention to detail, able to work independently from setting up to photo shooting with patience through whole process.


Able to communicate and work closely with designers and customers.

Collaborate • Support • Benefits

These are the areas that we can support your business and we looking forward to working together for greater opportunities.

Working Space Support

Working Space Support

We have full equipped office space for working, meeting, conference and presentation purpose.

Job Referring

Job Referring

We will be happy to refer you client who needs your service.

Long-Term Collaboration

Long-Term Collaboration

We need your professional to help us on commercial events and marketing activities in long-term project base.

Tag-Team Collaboration

Tag-Team Collaboration

We can work as a team to get bigger project to benefits both parties.

Production Support

Production Support

We are offering the partnership special rate for our printing / fabrication materials and visual displaying products. This can be an add-on services for your client.

Graphic Design Collaboration

Graphic Design Collaboration

We have graphic professions to help edit and retouching the photos to produce finished images and prints to enhance the project value.

Let's Connect

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